I’ve been hesitant to write this post for fear of sounding like a spoilt brat, so before I go any further, I need to clarify two things. The first is that I am still enjoying and very grateful for this opportunity to travel the world for several months. The second is that I am by no means seeking sympathy. Ok, now that’s out of the way, here goes!
Travel is a wonderful thing. Time and money spent on travel, in my opinion, is almost always well spent. My dad would say the same for education and he has a very good point too. Even when you visit places you don’t love, or that disappoint you, you can almost always learn something from being in another country and culture. If nothing else, it makes you appreciate where you’re from, or where you currently live, even more. In the case of my husband for example, being overseas has made him appreciate Sydney, where he was born and raised, more (it has always bugged me that he doesn’t rave about it as much as I, the immigrant, do!). In my own case, the absolute biggest thing I’ve learned from this 3.5 months away thus far, is just how much I love and appreciate home.
I have had some serious cravings of late. Cravings for routine, my own desk, my coffee machine, my privacy, shutting the door on my apartment and spending time with just my husband. In fact, some time to myself would be pretty welcome too (no offence, hubby, but we have never spent this much time in each other’s pockets!). I want my clothes to come out of a drawer, not a suitcase. I want to pick up a book I haven’t flicked through for a couple of months, make a cup of tea and lie on the couch watching a DVD from my collection or head to my local cafe for brunch. All these extremely ordinary things add up to being at home, in my own space, with my things around me. It really is that simple.
I have always been a homebody. I love pottering around at home. I love making my space cosy and warm and colourful, filling it with things I love and knowing where everything is. I have always joked that I am a typical Cancerian: homely, conservative, loyal, maternal etc. I always make my home a place I love spending time in. I haven’t had the pleasure of my own space since last year. A month after our wedding, when our lease ran out, Damian and I moved in with my in-laws, knowing we were off on our trip in a matter of months and keen to save up some money to help pay for it. For the past 3.5 months, we have been on the road staying, on and off, with my aunt in London and my dad in Wiltshire, while hopping off on Europe trips what seems like every few days. For the past three weeks we’ve been in the USA, living in hotels, and we have a week in Canada to go before we return to the UK again.
This is a fantastic experience, do not get me wrong. We’re really enjoying it, despite running my business on the go and constant travel being exhausting at times (thank goodness for my assistant Olivia helping out back in Sydney!). We did this because we know it is about the last chance to do so before really settling down and being grown ups. But man oh man, I cannot wait to get back to Australia and find a new home with my husband! We haven’t even unpacked our wedding presents yet so that’ll be like Christmas come early. Yay! And it’ll be nice to only have to think about the one time zone.
This week, in San Francisco, we’ve opted for an apartment rather than a hotel and we are, quite literally, playing home. It has been so incredibly nice to have a kitchen, go grocery shopping, cook for ourselves (our go-to comfort food is spaghetti bolognese, what’s yours?) and make a cup of tea whenever we want it (so many American hotels don’t offer a kettle in the room which I hate!). I’m sure by next week, I’ll be happy for someone to make my bed every day in our Vancouver hotel though!
What else have I learned? Six months isn’t long at all, my marriage is pretty damn great (we’ve survived living with his parents, his redundancy and spending almost every day together since we got hitched in October and we’re still best mates about 80 percent of the time), and I well and truly consider Sydney, my home of six years, my forever home. No, spending time in the UK with my friends and family, although wonderful, hasn’t changed my mind on that score at all. I’ve also learnt that I love my job (okay, I already knew that!) and I can’t wait to be able to do it full-time again.
At the end of this post my biggest concern is no longer sounding like a spoilt brat but sounding like a total loser!
Thanks for reading, folks. Does this resonate with any of you?
On the plus side…
I know, shut up!
somethinggorgeous says
Yes, I can certainly see where you are coming from. I love travelling so much but can never be away from home for more than 6 weeks as I get too homesick. You certainly don’t sound like a loser!
Jen Bishop says
Thanks! I didn’t anticipate feeling like this, I must admit it!
Dara says
Jen, I couldn’t believe that the hotels had no tea making facilities in America either! Sometimes a cup of your favourite tea can be like a big hug from home (I do take my tea bags with me!).
Enjoy the rest of your trip.
Laura Greaves says
I always take my own tea to the US – even if you can find it there, it tastes all wrong!
Jen Bishop says
I ma finding that, in the apartment, with their weird teabags and milk and water boiled in a saucepan because there’s a coffee machine but no damn kettle!!!
Louise says
Completely understand where you’re coming from. I love to travel too but it’s the small things you miss like your own pillow, favorite tea and coffee, the supermarket where you know where everything is and just bumping into people you know when you’re out. Life really is about simple pleasures.
You’re doing an amazing job at keeping your blog etc going on top of all that travel. Well done Jen, you really are an inspiration. Louise.
Jen Bishop says
Oh thanks Louise, what nice things to say! And yes, it’s pretty nice to realise life’s all about the simple pleasures isn’t it?
Lauretta says
I completely agree and know exactly what you mean Jen!! Especially the cup of tea part, I love travelling but couldn’t go for more than 5-6 weeks at a time as I would get too homesick, I am such a homebody and just love pottering around at home having my own time and space! It’s the simple things isn’t it! Enjoy the rest of your travel and thanks for sharing makes me feel more normal! X
Jen Bishop says
Ah, it’s not just me, hoorah! I am having to boil water in a saucepan for tea, even in this apartment, as there’s a coffee maker but no kettle! The Americans just don’t get it…
Helen Barker says
Great post Jen. I’m 11 months into our travels and can’t wait to get back to a house with a 9-5! But I know that we have to enjoy all of the adventures before that and treasure the luxury of freedom and no responsibilities whilst we have it! Enjoy the rest of your travels x
Lauren says
I’m a complete homebody too so I definitely understand where you’re coming from. Travelling is amazing, but even when you’re having the time of your life, sometimes all you want is the comfort and familiarity and warm of your own home. Looks like you’re having a great time though – enjoy the rest of your trip! xx
Holly says
Fab Post! So true, the travel bit is amazing, and time will fly… when I’ve ever been away for extended time, I always crave a kitchen! And I love eating out… but I just miss being able to cook and slump where you like!
Keep enjoying your time away!
Jen Bishop says
Slump! That’s the perfect word! Thanks for the comment, Holly!
Angie says
I felt myself nodding to each of those paragraphs! I totally felt the same way – travelling is awesome and the single most amazing thing I’ve done, but geez yes to ‘open drawers’ leave your stuff in a bathroom, have your own cups and saucers and all the simple things you start to crave! … but it taught me a very valuable lesson and that was to appreciate home and all the small things – like, gosh I never thought I would be so happy to step foot in my local supermarket when I got home! Familiar smells and sounds I started to notice more too.
That said, I still love and always will travel, because, as you say, what you gain and learn from those experiences they don’t teach you in any university ๐
May your travels continue to inspire you, hold on to every new and joyous moment, it will fly by! Xxx
Jen Bishop says
I think it’s great to have a new appreciation for the small things, eh? Thanks for your comment, Angie! Jen
Tammy Schello says
Jen Im currently on my honeymoon for 3 weeks and was just saying to my husband (we married in November 13) that I am so boring. We are a few days away from coming home now and I can’t wait – I miss our dog, our house and the routine in my life! Im an interior decorator so the inspiration has been wonderful but I like my little house and all the things in it! I agree with every word you wrote!!
Jen Bishop says
Ah, love that it isn’t just me, Tammy! Thanks for your comment and congrats on your recent wedding! Jen
Kirsty says
I love the small things Jen! So much so that I don’t seem to have the travel bug yet… all of my friends do and my husband enjoys a trip or two, but I would be quite content living in Aus in a gorgeous little house designed and built by my husband and I (we own a design & construction business in Brisbane).
Love the honesty in you blog posts – always a great read. Enjoy your adventures ๐
Jen Bishop says
Thanks for the comment, Kirsty! Well, you cerrtainly shouldn’t do anything because you feel you should or that other people think you should. Maybe the travel bug will come, maybe it won’t! Being happy with your lot is a wonderful thing and not to be sniffed at! Jen
DarleyDays says
Great post Jen! You don’t sound like a spoiled brat at all… you have just reflected honestly about your current feelings and bravely shared it. When cravings happen, it is natural to analysis them and you did it so eloquently too. I’ve been in your shoes and totally agree! Stay present and enjoy the next half of your travel adventures…it is cold here now anyway ๐
Jen Bishop says
Thank you for the lovely comment! Jen
Parisgirl says
Jen, I totally get it. I have travelled a lot and I mean a lot. Getting a house or an apartment and living like a local is the way to go. Being able to close the front door an turn on the t v even if it is in French makes home seem less far away. Enjoy every moment of your trip it might be a long time until you are able to do it again.
Tegan says
I love your off topic posts Jen and being so honest! I sometimes feel ashamed to be a homebody when I live in great cities and feel pressured to get out and about when I just want to do laundry and drink coffee and relax a bit. Its always good to get out and about and see new things but always so nice to come home to your own place and simple comforts.
Jen Bishop says
I hear you, Tegan! Thanks for commenting ๐
Screels says
I’ve often felt a little guilty when I have the longing-for-home feelings when I travel too, but its hard to deny them when we live in such an amazing place like Sydney. ๐ Been enjoying your travel tales with a design flavour – Sure you’ll have a whole new set of influences to the look and feel of your new home when you return ๐ Enjoy the last few weeks of your travels! x
Jen Bishop says
Thanks Sarah! Hope you’re well!
Julie Faber says
Enjoy the travelling while you can , it’s a gift . I find your honesty refreshing . It is very nice to hear some one voicing such positive comments about loving where they live. I think a lot of us Australians sometimes forget how lucky we are to be residing in such a beautiful country. Keep safe , love your blog Kind Regards Julie
Jen Bishop says
Thanks Julie! Maybe it’s because I’m a Brit living in Australia that I appreciate it so much? Jen