I’m a really busy girl, as you can probably guess if you follow my antics on this blog. But I also preach the importance of taking time out (and sometimes you have to really work at making this happen) to relax, switch off from technology and just breathe.
My absolute favourite place to do this is the bath, but I don’t trust myself with my prized interiors coffee table books in there. Steam, clumsiness, you know… So when I need a little time out I like to retreat to my bedroom with a nice cup of tea, a stack of books and homes mags and lose myself in them for an hour or so. It makes such a difference!
Read all about this country BnB look I picked from Adairs’ huge range of linen in my guest post on their blog today. How hot is this floral cushion?! And if you’re lucky you could win some gorgeous linen for yourself and give your bedroom a total makeover!
And make sure you’re kind to yourself and give yourself a little escape from reality at least once a week, ok?
Disclosure: Adairs gifted me linen of my choice but I wasn’t paid to review it or write the guest post. I am a genuine fan of their range.
Hi Jen, I was one of your blogging students at the Australian Writers Centre last year. I wanted to tell you your class really inspired me, and I’ve finally launched my blog, ‘A book and a good lie down’ this year. I really enjoyed this post about taking some time out to enjoy a book and a good lie down, because I fully believe in it too – and agree re: how hard to can be to make the time to do it! Thanks again, best wishes, Theresa
That is so great to hear Theresa! I will have a read later, with a cuppa of course! Well done!
For the first time in a long time, last weekend I spent an hour resting on my bed in the afternoon, reading and also just gazing out the window. It was lovely and I will aim to do it more often!
I love your choice and comment about using white doona covers and then adding colour with the gorgeous cushions and throw. I also treat my bedroom like a sanctuary and have been “resting” (o.k. sleeping) on weekends and holidays for over 20 years. Essential for mind, body and soul!
Hey Jen,
I couldn’t agree more about the importance of lying down, reading a good book and genuinely loving where you are and the surroundings you are in. It’s often busy to take a break in the grand scheme of things, but we all need rest to function properly.