January is a popular month for renovations in Australia as so many people take time off after Christmas. Heading into the new year usually means a clean slate too, so why not use the time as a way to freshen up your home? Property remodelling isn’t just the ideal way to get more enjoyment out of your space, when done properly it can boost your return of investment to a nice healthy figure come resale time too.
But renovating isn’t a job for just anyone. It can be stressful and both time and money consuming. Thus, it pays to cover all bases and go in with a solid plan before you start ripping out walls or powering those tools. From ignoring a substantial amount of prep work to not checking house plans and applying for the right permits, there’s many important steps even the best of us can forget. Here’s what you need to keep in mind for your next renovation.
1. Arrange a dilapidation inspection before renovations
No doubt you’ll be camera ready to show off the final results after the home remodel, but what about those essential before pictures that may save you down the track? Documenting the process can protect you from potential claims should any damage be blamed on the renovations. Depending on what parts of the house you’re remodelling, it’s a good idea to take photos of the space and neighbouring homes before you start any of the demolition work.
Also referred to as a dilapidation survey, protecting your work by recording the current condition of your home and surrounding properties could save you a lot of time and hassle down the track. Especially in the event of neighbours or the council accusing the newly done renovations of causing issues to nearby structures. You should take images and arrange to have a professional inspect retaining walls, tilings, external and internal cracks (regardless of how minor), fencing, roadways and kerbs and infrastructure just to name a few.
2. Hire a skip bit for renovation waste
Renovations – regardless of how small – are messy. It’s easy to underestimate the amount of waste that will be generated from a home remodel, so you want to arrange a safe and practical way to dispose of everything at the end. If you are planning a renovation, it’s important to know that you’re in charge of managing, disposing or recycling the construction waste in the right way.
Residential skip bin hire especially for the project is the best way to dispose of everything properly. It’ll save you a trip to the local tip and sorting the waste yourself and leaving the job to the professionals will guarantee a safer disposal – especially if you’re dealing with hazardous waste from your renovation. Arranging a skip bin will minimise demolition waste on the construction site and ensure it’s recycled. Plus, it’s the cheapest and less complicated way to go about managing the waste too.
3. Double check housing plans
Adequate pre-planning is vital to the success of your renovation so it pays to check and double-check all housing plans. Go over your housing plans with a fine comb to analyse the local of load bearing walls and what walls have cables running through. Double (and triple check!) current housing plans and renovation plans to determine what you will need to hire a professional for and what demolition you can get done yourself.
By thoroughly checking the plans before you power up any tools, you’ll have a better idea about what approvals you’ll need to obtain prior. Removing load bearing or cable walls isn’t just an essential safety consideration to plan in advance, but you’ll need to ensure your paper work is all up-to-date and renovation plans have been ticked off by the right people. Double checking all this prior can save a lot of time, money and hassle.
4. The prep work
Skipping the prep work is one of the biggest renovation mistakes a home owner can make. Even if you think you’ve done all the required preparation, check again – because it’s one of the most important steps to get right from the beginning of the project. Despite being the most tedious part of renovating, cutting corners or rushing the process can leave your renovation to be a costly mess.
Triple check measurements as inaccurate calculations can cause a lot of issues down the track. Don’t be afraid to ask someone else to check your measurements either, it’s much better to be 100% certain they’re right. Plan a schedule to help your project stick to a timeline and get all your paperwork in order upfront. Choose the right team of people to assist with the renovation and when hiring professionals, make sure they have all the right permits. Keep your home renovation on track and plan for potential problems early in the process.
Your next remodelling project doesn’t need to be a disaster. With as much pre-prep as possible, smart decision-making and budgeting you’ll be on your way to fresh new space in the new year.
— Jayde Ferguson writes for Instant Waste Management – an industry leading rubbish removal solutions to assist you with your next home renovation.
Some interesting points here but I’d really recommend getting a professional involved before you start demolishing walls (even if you have triple checked them yourself). We recently saw an example of a customer who’d demolished a wall without consulting anyone. Top floor now held up by acrow props and a structural engineer brought in after the event to see what could be done. Less than an ideal order of events.
Awesome article. I really enjoy this post, your useful tips help me a lot, I’m going to try them out with my home remodeling project. Thanks for sharing, Jayde!
Hiring a skip bin would be a great idea if you wanted to have somewhere to store all of your garbage. That way you won’t end up getting it mixed in with items you want to keep. The skip bin would be perfect to delineate the garbage, and it would hopefully make it easier on you!
Thanks for sharing these innovative tips. I will definitely follow these tips while I will start the renovation of my home. Thanks again!!
awesome and inspiring articles.
thanks for sharing this tips