Being in isolation for nearly three months has been tough both mentally and physically, and for some of us, it is showing in our home environment as well! Isolation has pushed many of us to our limits as we remain confined to our houses, picking up unhealthy lifestyle choices or bad habits such as hoarding. Professional organiser Jo Carmichael, shares some tips on how to declutter our homes and breathe some fresh air back into our lives!
The hoarding must stop
During the lockdown period, we’ve seen people being influenced and edged on by one other, partaking in behaviour like bulk buying hand sanitiser and toilet paper. People were buying things like they would never see them again. Coming out of isolation, it is evident that keeping stock to a minimum is enough. Save space and storage areas around your home by only having what you need.
One room at a time
Start slowly and working your way around the house one room at a time. Start with one room a day or maybe even a week. Taking on too much at once can be overwhelming and demotivate your commitment to downsizing the clutter. Remember the rule: if you haven’t used it in six-to-12 months, get rid of it!
Key areas to target
Make sure you target areas such as the linen cupboard or pantry as these are key areas that seem to hold a lot of junk. Old sheets and blankets can accumulate over the years and it’s important to know that you only need two alternating sets per bed. The pantry can be home to a whole collection of junk that has stocked up over time, especially throughout this isolation period. Always check expiry dates and be sure to buy only what you need.
Working from home
How do you stop your working-from-home stuff from taking over? You may have been working from the kitchen bench or the dining table, whilst another family member was working from the bedroom. Now is the time to sort through your work-related items, and ensure they can be packed away somewhere at the end of the work day, so real home time is reinstated.
Keep your kitchen clean
We have been preparing meals and eating more at home these last few months. Kitchen benches are overloaded with leftover containers and other household items. To refresh your home, clear the benches and wipe them clean. Put items away into a pantry or cupboard rather than leaving them out. Clear benches are much more calming and less distracting, especially when you are spending most of your time in the house.
-Jo Carmichael is a decluttering specialist from All Sorted Out, a professional organising company that works with real estate agents and property stylists to declutter homes in preparation for sale.