Apologies for the radio silence over the past month. We were busy getting married and all. But now that distraction is out of the way, here are some weird facts about vacuuming from Electrolux that you probably didn’t know and might not want to know, depending on what kind of person you are. But if you have always been interested in naked vacuuming, or when you can put your kids to work in the salt mines… umm… lounge room, then hit the jump and take a peek at some of these weird and wonderful vacuuming stats.
Let’s start at the bare essentials… pun intended. According to the Electrolux Global Vacuuming Survey 2013, 2.5% of men globally vacuum naked. Only 0.6% of females partake in the same activity. Turns out it’s those crazy Scandinavians that are doing it most, with 3.7% of Swedes and 3% of Norwegians doing it. They must have pretty good heating. The Yanks are up there too, at 3%.
Those figures are quite low thankfully, which means most people wear clothes when vacuuming. Casual is the order of the day with 69% of respondents saying that was their clothing of choice, while 76% of Koreans decided to buck the trend and wear tracksuits or athletic gear. Whatever floats your boat.
Do you think that children between the age of three to five should be vacuuming? Only 6% of people globally believe this – but if you do, chances are you are Finnish. 26% of Finns believe that it is the right age to start your children helping out with the vacuuming.
And finally, how long do you vacuum for? If you go for over an hour, you’re doing it wrong. 89% of global respondents said they stuck at it for less than an hour. If you’re doing it for less than 30 minutes you’re far from alone as well, as 39% of Australians vacuum for less than 30 minutes at a stretch. But perhaps we should be wearing athletic gear like the Koreans when vacuuming. Turns out 68% of them spend less than 30 minutes sucking up dust. That’s efficient.
Source: Electrolux Global Vacuuming Survey 2013
Peter Svenson says
Pretty interesting facts of vacuuming here. I definitely am vacuuming the wrong way….If I keep at it for more than 20 min I consider that a win. Fun post, I like your site.