quintessential duckeggBLUE, the home of found industrial and antique objects, is (virtually) going to press with the launch of its very own online magazine.
“The quintessential Magazine is exciting and original, offering the reader an engaging, authentic and interactive visual experience,” says owner Leanne Carter-Taylor. “Exploring all things quintessential, the reader has a fresh insight into the home of found industrial and antique objects. The quintessential Magazine shares the inspiring stories, the people, the collectors and the makers, the essence of who we are and what we believe.”
Edited and curated by Tracy Lines (formerly lifestyle publisher at Murdoch books, and longstanding creative director of Inside Out magazine) and quintessential duckeggBLUE owner Leanne, it’s sure to be a professional publication. “Encouraging new ideas and evoking emotion are at the very heart of this magazine. We have explored new ways of creating online pages, from the inspiring visual impact through to the stories we are telling, whilst always remaining true to the quintessential duckeggBLUE brand. It’s exciting for me to work with Leanne on such a new publishing platform which supports amazingly rich content, emotive storytelling and beautiful found objects,” says Tracy.
Due to launch in early November, The quintessential Magazine is the fifth member of the duckeggBLUE brand, along with the much loved fashion and furniture stores in Balmain, and websites duckeggblue.com.au and quintessentialduckeggblue.com.au – which ensure everything in store is also available online.
Hurry up November!