A Few Good Women is must more than an online store! Rather, the social enterprise aims to make doing good easier than ever, by giving away half their profits to good causes, making shopping a genuinely feel-good affair.
Alongside their shop, A Few Good Women also has a very active online community. Where, by becoming a member (which is completely free) you can submit stories for the magazine, suggest good women to be featured and good causes to be supported, advertise your own business, collaborate on products and take part in special members-only offers in the shop.
Having recently made their first donation of $1450 to a local not-for-profit, Annie’s Angels, which helps families through difficult times; A Few Good Women is happy to announce that three local families, with small children, have already directly benefitted from this gift. “It’s exactly what we want to be able to do; to make a tangible difference to people’s lives, to help very directly,” explains A Few Good Women’s founder Jacqueline Loughray. “It’s easy, you shop and we give. It doesn’t cost you anything extra. We want good women everywhere to join in, it’s all about working together. It’s exciting, who knows what we might be able to achieve?”
Currently offering a capsule collection of beautiful homewares – the wooden range is hand-made by A Few Good Women themselves in the Southern Highlands – the collection will be growing soon to include other brands and products.