Adding a little bit of nature to your home or workspace can truly do wonders. Not only are plants and flowers beautiful, they can add some much-needed life to a dull, drab and dark interior. But, if like me you don’t have the best track record when it comes toย keeping plants alive don’t lose hope! A terrarium is the perfect answer. Not only are they easy to maintain, they are super easy to make. Follow these nine simple steps and get someย greenery into your space.
How to make a terrarium:
Step 1:ย Once you have decided on a container it is important to clean it, making sure there are no stickers, grime or dirt that could affect the life of your plant.
Step 2: Fill the bottom of your container with 1ย to 1.5ย inches of small rocks. This will collect the water drainage. Pebbles or gravel can be used as they both allow drainage of water. Choose stones that are small to allow the most effective drainage.
Step 3: Add some activated charcoal, not much is needed just enough to cover the rocks. This will keep your terrarium alive and healthy.
Step 4: Add potting mix as the next layer. Make sure enough is added to allow the roots of the plant to grow. It should be about 2.5ย inches deep.
Step 5: Lightly pat it down to remove air pockets and make a level surface. Be aware of what plant you intend to use, as some require special types of potting mix.
Step 6: Using a small shovel or your hands, dig a small hole in the terrarium to insert the plant. Make sure the hole is big enough to fit the roots of the plant.
Step 7: Gently place the plant in the hole. Fill in any gaps with extra potting mix and gently pat down to secure the plant.
Step 8: Add any extra decorations or accessories to make your terrarium look how you want. Make sure everything is firmly placed or planted to allow growth.ย Moss, pebbles or sand are great to make it look like a real garden.
Step 9: Lightly spray your terrarium to add moisture.
All materials are available at Bunnings. For more information.